About Page
Welcome to the
Employment Center!
The Employment Center is a free community resource for everyone looking for employment or better employment, or help with personal finances.

We also assist with those seeking higher education, help with Emotional Resilience, or Addiction Recovery, and searching out their ancestry.

Our classes are 75 minutes long. Come join us!


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide free, valuable, resources to our community, face to face. We want to help you thrive professionally, financially, and spiritually. 

The Center is a place where you can feel welcome, and comfortable, during a one-time employment visit, or a 12 week class, with non-judgmental help, as you learn and grow.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have health and safety precautions in place to prevent the spread of the virus. Here are guidelines for using the Center safely.

  • If you feel sick or have symptoms that may be COVID-related, please do not come to the Center.
  • Wear a face mask over your mouth and nose.
  • Please wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitizer.
  • Practice social distancing.


We all need to take responsibility for keeping the Employment Center secure. We will do our part to ensure it is a safe place for everyone who visits, but we need your help as well. Here are some safety guidelines.

  • Most candidates seeking employment will bring a laptop with them.  If not we will assist you, using one of ours.  
  • Please keep your laptop and your other possessions with you at all times.
  • Report anyone or anything that may look suspicious.

REMEMBER: Children and youth under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.